Reminiscences and Ruminations - Haj is a physical worship. Therefore any pilgrims are required to be
able to maintain physical health. Especially when faced with the weather
and climate of the Holy Land that is different from the climate in the
To minimize the number of Indonesian pilgrims are sick while in Saudi Arabia, health teams Hajj Committee (PPIH) Saudi Arabia 1436H / 2015M will campaign three ways to maintain health during the hajj.
Head of Health PPIH Saudi Arabia, Dr. Edy Mawardi, states, or educational campaigns for pilgrims is very important. Therefore, the Indonesian pilgrims will be in Saudi Arabia for a long time with a fairly extreme weather, hot temperatures, low humidity, and strong winds so it could potentially lead to dehydration.
So how to maintain health during the Haj? According to Edy, there are three ways you can do Indonesian pilgrims during the pilgrimage in the Holy Land and will be campaigned Polyclinics Haji Indonesia (BPHI) Daker Makkah.
First, the pilgrims have to control physical activity. "Do not over exercise. People without the disease should also not be, "said Mawardi in Indonesian Hajj Medical Center (BPHI) Makkah, Monday (08/24/2015).
Mawardi claimed excessive activity may force the heart to work beyond maximum capacity. According to him, a person's maximum heart rate is 220 minus age.
"In theory, if the activity and pulse maximum is exceeded, the heart can be stopped," he explained.
Secondly, reproduce drinking zam-zam water and eating dates. According to him, zam-zam water and dates can reduce dehydration. If no zam-zam water, can be replaced with water.
"There is a Sunnah that often we say but do not do, namely drinking zam-zam water and eating dates. Most of the pilgrims we buy zam-zam water and dates for souvenirs, not to drink and eat," said Mawardi.
Mawardi warned that dehydration could potentially be the entrances of all diseases. In fact, according to him, in a certain stage, the symptoms of dehydration will seem like people suffering from mental disorders or loss of consciousness.
"In Javanese tradition there wedang term, meaning ngawe sometimes invites friends. The way to provide drinking water whose purpose so as not to become dehydrated so easily be consulted," said Mawardi.
Third, get used to living a clean and healthy behaviors (PHBs). Mawardi said, clean and healthy living behaviors such as washing hands with soap, especially before eating.
Healthy behavior, namely getting used to wearing masks, not spitting and littering, adequate rest, and avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Then eat high-fiber foods, and do a lot of snacks.
Mawardi said medical teams had already made leaflets, flyers, and posters to socialize the means of keeping health. The plan, leaflets, flyers, and posters will be posted in the office work areas, sectors, and shelter.
"We always give priority to prevention efforts. Effectiveness is good so that pain and urgency can be resolved," said Mawardi.
To minimize the number of Indonesian pilgrims are sick while in Saudi Arabia, health teams Hajj Committee (PPIH) Saudi Arabia 1436H / 2015M will campaign three ways to maintain health during the hajj.
Head of Health PPIH Saudi Arabia, Dr. Edy Mawardi, states, or educational campaigns for pilgrims is very important. Therefore, the Indonesian pilgrims will be in Saudi Arabia for a long time with a fairly extreme weather, hot temperatures, low humidity, and strong winds so it could potentially lead to dehydration.
So how to maintain health during the Haj? According to Edy, there are three ways you can do Indonesian pilgrims during the pilgrimage in the Holy Land and will be campaigned Polyclinics Haji Indonesia (BPHI) Daker Makkah.
First, the pilgrims have to control physical activity. "Do not over exercise. People without the disease should also not be, "said Mawardi in Indonesian Hajj Medical Center (BPHI) Makkah, Monday (08/24/2015).
Mawardi claimed excessive activity may force the heart to work beyond maximum capacity. According to him, a person's maximum heart rate is 220 minus age.
"In theory, if the activity and pulse maximum is exceeded, the heart can be stopped," he explained.
Secondly, reproduce drinking zam-zam water and eating dates. According to him, zam-zam water and dates can reduce dehydration. If no zam-zam water, can be replaced with water.
"There is a Sunnah that often we say but do not do, namely drinking zam-zam water and eating dates. Most of the pilgrims we buy zam-zam water and dates for souvenirs, not to drink and eat," said Mawardi.
Mawardi warned that dehydration could potentially be the entrances of all diseases. In fact, according to him, in a certain stage, the symptoms of dehydration will seem like people suffering from mental disorders or loss of consciousness.
"In Javanese tradition there wedang term, meaning ngawe sometimes invites friends. The way to provide drinking water whose purpose so as not to become dehydrated so easily be consulted," said Mawardi.
Third, get used to living a clean and healthy behaviors (PHBs). Mawardi said, clean and healthy living behaviors such as washing hands with soap, especially before eating.
Healthy behavior, namely getting used to wearing masks, not spitting and littering, adequate rest, and avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Then eat high-fiber foods, and do a lot of snacks.
Mawardi said medical teams had already made leaflets, flyers, and posters to socialize the means of keeping health. The plan, leaflets, flyers, and posters will be posted in the office work areas, sectors, and shelter.
"We always give priority to prevention efforts. Effectiveness is good so that pain and urgency can be resolved," said Mawardi.
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